NISOTEC ANTIFREEZE LONG LIFE 100 (G12+) is a concentrated cooling fluid based on ethylene glycol, from the organic antifreeze group (OAT). It contains no nitrites, amines, phosphates, borates or silicates. It ensures protection of the cooling system from freezing and boiling and corrosion protection. It is especially recommended for filling the cooling aluminum system in modern engines with water cooling in cars and commercial vehicles of the world’s leading manufacturers: Mercedes, Volkswagen (G-12+), GM, and Scania, MAN etc. Before use, it must be diluted with water. It is suitable for open and closed cooling systems. Replacement period is up to 5 years.
NISOTEC ANTIFREEZE LONG LIFE 100 (G12+) is a concentrated cooling fluid based on ethylene glycol, from the organic antifreeze group (OAT). It contains no nitrites, amines, phosphates, borates or silicates. It ensures protection of the cooling system from freezing and boiling and corrosion protection. It is especially recommended for filling the cooling aluminum system in modern engines with water cooling in cars and commercial vehicles of the world’s leading manufacturers: Mercedes, Volkswagen (G-12+), GM, and Scania, MAN etc. Before use, it must be diluted with water. It is suitable for open and closed cooling systems. Replacement period is up to 5 years.